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Pointer Assoc.

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PLHS Alumni Association was founded in 1978 to help promote communication among Pointer alumni, preserve the history of Point Loma High School, and maintain alumni records.

Operating under the nonprofit umbrella of the PLHS Pointer Association, our goal is to support PLHS and build Pointer Pride for generations past, present, and future.

What we do:

  • Dedicated PLHS Alumni website.
  • PLHS Alumni News emails to keep Alumni connected.
  • Collection of Pointer historical memorabilia and yearbooks.
  • Maintain secure master database of all Pointer alumni. Update Here
  • Provide resources to Reunion chairs.
  • Yearly Scholarships assist graduating seniors in attaining their higher education goals, and remind them they are part of 90+ years of history and tradition.
  • Pointer Alumni Hall of Fame

Where support for PLHS Alumni comes from:

  • Alumni Fund support the cost of the website, fund our Alumni scholarships, and provide support to PLHS Pointer Association programs.

Give to the PLHS Alumni Fund

  • Alumni Committee volunteers. Individual program chairs and Committee to meetings in a fun environment (can you say Happy Hour?) to come up with ideas for alumni activities and support to PLHS.

Get Involved

Contribute to one of our Alumni Scholarship Funds here

  • Spirit of the Pointer
  • Bennie Edens Memorial Scholarship
  • The Larry Zeiger Scholars Fund

PLHS Alumni Hall of Fame

In Fall of 2015 PLHS Alumni reinstated the PLHS Alumni Hall of Fame and celebrated 12 new honorees. We hope to continue this tradition of adding new members every few years. If you would like to be on (or chair) this exciting committee please contact us. Get more info

PLHS Alumni is a Committee of the PLHS Pointer Association, a 501(c)(3) non profit organization.
Your donation is tax deductible as permitted by law. Consult your tax advisor.

PLHS Pointer Association
1220 Rosecrans Street #247 - San Diego, CA 92106-2674 - Phone & Fax: 619-940-5055
California Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation

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